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About Us

EducationalCircuits LLC was founded in 2019 with the purpose to design and sell a new type of educational circuit kit. These kits use real electronic components and breadboards to build entertaining and fun circuits. What sets these kits apart is the depth at which the included instructions describe how the circuits work using in-practice electrical engineering techniques like Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws. Much like a university lab provides hands-on application of theory learned in class, we hope that these circuit kits can inspire more inventors and electrical engineers and help to de-mystify the exciting concepts of circuit design.

Our company also advances its mission of spreading the joy of all things computers and electronics through its consultant services. We love to apply our knowledge and ideas towards solving unique problems with electronics and algorithms. Consulting is an opportunity to work one-on-one with a client to solve real-world problems in a win-win type of relationship.

Our Team

Kevin Weekly Ph.D.
Owner and Lead Consulting Engineer

Kevin has a passion for everything computers and electronics since childhood, disassembling telephones to see how they worked, or writing his first C program in 3rd grade with the original Borland C compiler on Windows 3.1. He turned onto embedded electronics in 10th grade when he discovered breadboards, op-amps and microcontrollers– how a seemingly invisible force could be coaxed into making fun noises (or zapping his friends with high voltage). In fact, the educational circuit kits we design are in a way, an homage to these first circuits.

Following an insatiable desire to learn more about computing and electronics, Kevin pursued a double major in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Texas at Dallas. He went on to achieve his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkeley and completed his dissertation “Applied Estimation of Mobile Environments”. During his graduate studies, he developed a fleet of robotic floating sensors and was one of the formative graduate researchers for the SinBerBEST project. He authored or co-authored 14 journal and conference papers during his time at Berkeley.

After his doctoral degree, Kevin has over 7 years of professional experience in scientist, software engineering, and electrical engineering roles, developing algorithms and developing electrical systems for wearables, consumer robotics, industrial robotics and autonomous vehicles. He holds 3 patents from his time in industry.