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Random music generator expansion kit


SKU: EDU-KIT-03 Categories: ,

Discover the ultimate form of indie music with a one-of-a-kind kit that never plays the same song twice! At the center of this expansion kit is a tiny Integrated Circuit (IC) called a microcontroller which has a central processing unit (CPU) and instructions to randomly create musical ditties. Push the button and you will hear one of several styles, rhythms, and tenors crafted to delight and entertain. Be sure to stick around for the LASER BASS DRUM!

Concepts covered by this kit:
– Intro to microcontrollers
– Direct digital synthesis (DDS)
– Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
– Button debouncing

This kit relies heavily on the components found in the base kit Awesome analog audio! : EDU-KIT-01 to power the IC and amplify the sound. You must have the base kit to be able to use this expansion kit. If you already own the base kit, you can buy this expansion on its own.

This is a resurrection of the original “Random Music Box” featured in Makezine (

Combo Type

With Base Kit, Expansion kit ONLY


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