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Developing a robotic product is notoriously complex with many moving parts that interact between mechanical motion, electrical systems, real-time software systems, and highly-complex perception and control algorithms. Getting a robot off the ground and and running reliably requires designing the system for robustness from the start as it is often hard to repair a bad design after the fact. Therefore, it is important to have an expert roboticist on your side to help make the early architectural decisions that will make or break your robotic implementation months down the line.

We have a breadth of experience building mobile robotic systems such as floating sensors for scientific study, household robots, commercial vehicle movers, and industrial mobile robots. At the low-level, we have designed circuits for motor control and sensing, CAN communication, and embedded MCUs. At the high-level we have designed novel simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms using graph-based or particle-filter based methods. One very important consideration specific to robotics is functional (human) safety, which is something we have also spent much time and effort on for our robots.

Our consultation services for robotics will be particularly valuable at the early stage of the project when the first impactful decisions are being made, such as motor, sensor, and computer selections, as well as how the electronics will be routed and organized within the robot. From our experience, we know which architecture choices work better and which become deleterious in the long run. If you are getting started with a robotics application and would like to get started on the right foot please Contact Us.